The various types of yoga: which one to choose?

Lo yoga It is synonymous with well-being and silence, concentration and spiritual elevation, but it can also be practiced in a more energetic and dynamic way. There are in fact different types of yoga, suitable for all ages and highly appreciated for the many virtues and benefits on body and on the spirit. Yoga is not a simple gymnastics, this millenary discipline considers man as a whole: practicing yoga, in fact, is not only good for the body, but also helps to find body-mind harmony. It is difficult to find one's way among the many tipi in yoga: OnlyBelleza helps you understand which one to choose.

The various types of yoga: which one to choose?

How to choose the right yoga for you?

You're doing the sun salutation for a few months, you also follow the video lessons by OnlyBelleza and have you decided to enroll in a course, but you don't know what type of yoga to choose? It is normal for you to be disoriented.

For some years it has become fashionable and many types of yoga with strange names are being born. In the jungle of specialties that this discipline offers you, hatha, asthanga, but also power o kundalini, you have to figure out which one is best for you.

In Spain there is the Spanish Yoga Federation, on whose site you can find a list of teachers enrolled in the National Register. Before signing up for a course, however, our advice is to go and talk to the teacher, ask him about his path, his training and above all take a test lesson and trust your instincts: yoga is first of all an inner state. Then, know that one yoga does not exclude the other, because during the path of "yogi" needs evolve. If you have practiced a more physical yoga like power yoga, at some point you may feel the need to internalize or simply change your approach.

The best known types of yoga

We have collected in this article 15 most known and popular types of yoga, some more dynamic and rhythmic, others more meditative and spiritual.
Read what they are and find out if they are right for you.

1 - Ashtanga yoga: the most physical

The various types of yoga: which one to choose?

What is that? It is a traditional yoga, intense and physical, consisting of 6 series of increasing difficulty. Beginners start with a primary series with a standing sequence and sun salutation

  • To know: Ashtanga Yoga is a life-giving and vigorous yoga, but it takes an adjustment time to be able to perform the entire sequence. Furthermore, breathing is essential. Over time, it makes the body more elastic. The sequences are fixed and never change.
  • For who? For those looking for dynamic and athletic yoga and who want to develop strength and endurance.
  • The VIPs who practice it: Madonna, Britney Spears, Willem Dafoe, Gwyneth Paltrow.

2 - Bikram yoga: to eliminate toxins

What is that? Among the various types of yoga, Bikram was created by a famous Indian yogi known in America, Bikram Choudhury, and is made up of a sequence of 26 positions.

  • To know: This choreography is performed in a room heated to 40 degrees! The principle of heat helps to stretch the muscles and the body and to stretch out. More, sweating a lot, eliminate toxins.
  • For who? For all those who are in good health, have no cardiovascular problems and want to shed the extra pounds.
  • The VIPs who practice it: Christine Scott Thomas, Andie MacDowell.

3 - Hatha yoga: the most famous

What is that? Hatha Yoga is certainly the one that comes closest to the Indian tradition. It consists of practicing exercises of breathing or "pranayama", followed by physical postures, or asanas, which must be maintained by harmonizing the breathing.

  • To know: The positions are performed in order of increasing difficulty, in silence and letting oneself be guided by the instructions of the teacher, who passes among the students to help and correct. The lesson ends with a deep relaxation session, lying on the ground.
  • For who: For those who have never practiced yoga, Hatha Yoga is certainly the most suitable. It is a yoga that helps you to control your breath and increases vitality and concentration.
  • The VIPs who practice it: Barbara D'Urso, Heidi Klum.

4 - Kundalini to enhance your sexual energy

The various types of yoga: which one to choose?
  • What is that? You are attracted to Kundalini or Tantra Yoga? You must know that it is not only a discipline but it is also a spiritual method. Kundalini Yoga comes from Tantra, which is the science of expanding consciousness and releasing energy.
  • To know: The purpose of Kundalini is to be able to release the energy in the lower part of the body and allow it to rise through the 7 chakras. The movements are performed faster than in classic yoga and breathing is crucial to help the energy circulate.
  • For who: For those who want to embark on a path to get rid of all physical but also spiritual tensions! Great for those with sexual problems.
  • I Vip patiti di Yoga Kundalini: Sting, Cameron Diaz, Demi Moore, Jane Fonda, Quincy Jones, Brooke Shields, Shirley McLaine, Sophia Loren.

5 - Power yoga: dynamic yoga

  • What is that? It is a discipline created in America to respond to very Western problems and needs, such as learning to manage stress or lose weight.
  • To know: It is inspired by Ashtanga Yoga, but the positions vary with each class and there is no spiritual aspect. Teachers change the lesson according to the energy level of the class. Another element: there is the music that gives the rhythm to the lesson, from soul to hip hop!
  • For who: For those who want to regain physical form and are not interested in the spiritual aspect. Great for getting rid of stress.
  • I vip patiti di Power Yoga: Elisabeth Shue, Rhea Perlman.
The various types of yoga: which one to choose?

6 – Yin Yoga

  • What is that: Yin yoga is a very slow discipline that follows the rhythm of the body. It is a type of yoga that involves deep, slow and fluid breaths. Positions are held for quite a long time ranging from 3 to 5 minutes.
  • To know: Yin yoga focuses on the present moment, with self-observation and self-listening as the focus of the discipline. To understand Yin yoga it is necessary to understand and accept the Yin and Yang principles. Yin and Yang are two opposite and complementary forces, present in nature and in our body and mind.
  • For who: It's great if you're trying to relieve stress, because Yin yoga focuses a lot on breathing as a tool for achieving inner calm.

7 – Vinyasa yoga

The various types of yoga: which one to choose?
  • What is that: Vinyasa yoga has a sustained rhythm, the positions are connected to each other in a series of movements that are synchronized and made more fluid with the breath.
  • To know: Breathing work calms the nervous system and regenerates tissues. There is also a "Vinyasa" sequence (which is also the central part of the sun salutation) used as a sequence between different positions from Adho Mukha Svanasana (the position of the dog looking down) to Chaturanga (the position of the 4-legged patient) to Urdhva Mukha Svanasana (the position of the dog looking up) and the return to Adho Mukha Svanasana.
  • For who: If you are looking for a more rhythmic practice that can work both mind and body, this is the right yoga for you. Continuous and dynamic movements also contribute to cardiovascular work.

8 -Yoga Iyengar

  • What is that: Iyengar yoga is named after the creator of this method, BKS Iyengar. He is the first master who spread this particular practice in the West, which can be considered a style of hatha yoga: its peculiarity lies in maintaining the positions for a long time and performing them with the utmost precision.
  • To know: BKS Iyengar was the first to create a specific teaching didactics and to introduce the use of tools such as blankets, belts, cushions, chairs, bricks that make yoga accessible to all: in this way, even the least flexible or weakest people can perform the positions and benefit from their positive effects on organs and nervous system.
  • For who: Iyengar yoga is known for its healing effects, increases flexibility and strength.

9 - Anusara yoga

  • What is that: Anusara yoga is a rather recent style, born in 1997 with the idea of ​​unifying hatha yoga with elements of Hindu and Tantric philosophy. 3 basic principles make up the practice of Anusara yoga: 1. Alignment, 2. Attitude, 3. Action
  • To know: It is presented as a dynamic practice, in which the positions are carried out in a harmonious and fluid way in synchrony with the breath. The spiritual part depends on the yogi, so it is very likely that by attending different classes of Anusara yoga the final experience will change a lot, but this is true for many of the types of yoga we have talked about.
  • For who: Anusara in Sanskrit means "flow with grace". It is a dynamic yoga, but it is also excellent for working on the spiritual part, linked to the mind.

10 – Sivananda yoga

The various types of yoga: which one to choose?
  • What is that: Sivananda is a practice based on the teachings of Swami Sivananda, a yogi who based this practice on the teaching “serve, love, give, purify, meditate and fulfill”.
  • To know: It is based on postures (asanas) interspersed with pranayama movements and breathing. The principles on which it is based are 5: correct exercise (asana), correct breathing (pranayama), correct relaxation (savasana), a correct diet (vegetarian), an approach to positive thinking (Vedanta) and meditation. (dyyana).
  • For who: It is suitable for everyone, especially if you are looking for an undemanding type of yoga from a physical point of view.

11 – Ananda yoga

  • What is that: Ananda yoga is a style of yoga that aims at spiritual pursuit. It is considered the original version of hatha yoga, a tool for raising knowledge.
  • To know: The positions are the same as in Hatha Yoga, they are carried out in a gentle way, always synchronizing the breath. This phase is considered preparatory for meditation.
  • For who: If you want to try to achieve greater self-awareness and explore your inner self, this is the right type of yoga for you.

12 – Karma yoga

The various types of yoga: which one to choose?
  • What is that? Karma yoga is a very spiritual and not very dynamic type of yoga, although it is called action yoga because the meditation that takes place during the practice is active.
  • to know: In the practice of Karma yoga, the central role is played by meditation: we focus on how to develop and increase one's potential through work.
  • For who: It is suitable for those who feel they want to free themselves from the expectations of society, from the pressures and tasks of every day. The principle of Karma yoga, in fact, is to have no expectations. The human being must give without expecting to receive anything in return.

13 – King of yoga

  • What is that: Raja yoga is, together with Hatha yoga, the most practiced form of yoga in the West. It is considered a higher level yoga as the name implies, "royal yoga". It starts from a base of hatha yoga, but it combines meditative exercises for the channeling of energies.
  • To know: The practice of Raja yoga has a very high goal, that of achieving samadhi, cosmic knowledge, thanks to meditation. It is mostly a mental practice.
  • For who: It is suitable for those looking for something more than an exercise aimed at improving posture or stretching the body. If one practices Raja yoga, the underlying philosophy is also deepened: it is no coincidence that the role of the master in this type of yoga is crucial.

14 - Laughter Yoga

  • What is that? Laughter Yoga is an effective method to laugh for no reason, bringing out the joy in those who practice it and therefore an absolute happiness that does not need external stimuli.
  • to know: There are Laughter Clubs that are potentially free, because a contribution of just € 5 is requested to participate in an hour of Laughter Yoga. Sessions usually begin with breathing exercises based on yoga techniques and Ho-Ho - Ha-Ha -Ha vocalizations, clapping in rhythm to activate laughter.
  • For who: It is suitable for everyone. Laughter yoga starts from the principle that if you imagine an emotion you actively produce it and make the mind believe that you are fine and having fun.

Find out all about the yoga of laughter.

Other types of yoga

In yoga centers, you can find courses with the most disparate names: wellness yoga, senior yoga, woman yoga and many others. These are classes that combine the principles and practice of tipi in yoga that we have explained to you in this article. To know what it is and which of these is the most suitable for you, the only way is to try. It is important to find harmony with the teacher and understand if the rhythm, the meditative component and the final benefits are what you are looking for from yoga. Definitely this it cannot be considered a physical activity aimed exclusively at movement, the spiritual component is very important, so it is necessary to be in the right mood when practicing yoga and choose the one that is most in tune with us.

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