Eating in season in October

Eating in season in October

October, summer is over, it is time to change the diet and let the autumn products reach our tables: chestnuts, persimmons, apples, pears, pumpkins and cabbages cannot be missing in the October shopping basket.

  • October fruit
  • October vegetables
  • october recipe
October fruit October vegetables
persimmon Chard
chestnuts Broccoli
Clementine Artichoke
Tablet carrots
almonds Cabbage
apple Chicory
Quince Fennel
Pomegranate Salads
Night Leeks
Hazelnuts Chicory
Pere Radishes
Grapefruit Celery
Grape Spinach

Eating in season in October: fruit

October is time for apples, pears, persimmon and grapes, but also for less commercial fruits, but not less precious for our health: quince, jujube and pomegranate. We can also find nuts such as walnuts, hazelnuts, almonds and finally and grapefruit.

  • Apples, pears and quince are above all fruits very rich in dietary fiber. Quince is by far the fruit richest in pectin, and is very useful for keeping cholesterol and blood sugar levels under control; it also provides a very valuable aid to intestinal health.
  • Persimmons are very rich in mineral salts, especially potassium, but also magnesium, phosphorus, calcium and sodium. They also provide readily available sugars and vitamin C. Thanks to their nutritional qualities, the consumption of these fruits helps to combat the fatigue typical of the seasonal changes.
  • grapes are a concentrate of simple sugars and contain resveratrol, a flavonoid recognized for its many beneficial qualities for human health (antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, diuretic...).
  • If we talk about products of the month of October we can not forget the chestnuts. Technically they are the seed of the chestnut plant, although they are commonly considered a fruit. However, thanks to their qualities, they are especially indicated to replace the carbohydrate part of the meal, instead of fruit.

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